This Week in Music

Taylor Swift T-swizzleBy now, you’re probably a little too familiar with the Ice Bucket Challenge – people from all over the nation pouring cold water over their heads to raise money for ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. But just when you thought you had seen it all, leave it to Hollywood to break out of the box. The craziest challenges(so far) were from Chris Pratt, Taylor Swift, Dr. Dre, Lady Gaga, and Britney Spears.
Taylor Swift Singing
Taylor Swift
Speaking of Taylor Swift, T-swizzle just released her first single(and a music video for the single Shake It Off) from her fifth studio album(titled 1989). The album is titled after the year she was born in but what created more buzz than the album name was the fact that Taylor changed the genre for both Shake It Off and 1989 to pop. Tay revealed all this in a live video chat on Yahoo! “I think that for me, writing this song was partly about my life, but it’s mostly about the things that I hear from my fans and comments on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, and things like that … but I think that you have to not only live your life in spite of people who don’t understand you, you have to have more fun than they do,” she said while laughing.
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
Meanwhile, Jelena is back!……..again, but you already knew that but what you probably didn’t know is that Justin changed his hair style and shaved his “Rat’Stache,” for Selena.
On the other hand, Kylie Jenner is “desperate to date Justin Bieber.”Kylie Jenner was apparently “close to tears” after she saw that her sister Kendall had been hanging out with Justin Bieber.There have also been rumors of Kylie having had plastic surgery.
Jessie J singer
Jessie J
As for new music, Troye Sivan the youtuber come singer released his new EP, “Trxye,” . Jessie J, Ariana Grande, and Nicki Minaj all appear in the beats advertisement  which features their new song Bang Bang.
Nicki Minaj hair color
Nicki Minaj
Nicki Minaj released another video, for her song Anaconda, and it will battle it out with the previously mentioned Taylor Swift song, Shake it Off. Lana Del Rey released her Ultra violence music video a few days ago and has now released Ultraviolence as an official single.
Beyonce mtv awards
Beyonce having the most nominations, the question is who will win the moon man for video of the year. Taylor Swift may have won last time but she’ll have to wait a year to be nominated in that category again. The main contenders are Wrecking Ball and Drunk in Love. In the “professional category,” we have Lana Del Rey’s West Coast battle it out with Beyonces Pretty Hurts. On the MTVhottest charts, which you can vote for using twitter,
Lana Del Rey music video
Lana Del Rey
Lana Del Rey and Lady Gaga battle it out for the bronze medal while Ariana Grande is knocked out of the top ten and the chart is led by One Direction(at number one) and Bieber (at number two).
Lady Gaga music video
Lady Gaga
To vote for your favorite artist just tweet the hash tag mtvhottest followed by the name of the artist you want to vote for.
one direction music band
One Direction
One Direction took the first place last time and looks like they will again but the question is who will take home the bronze medal; Lana or Gaga.
At the box office the teenage mutant ninja turtles kicked the guardians’ of the galaxy down to the number 2 spot, and we all know it would be incomplete without Megan Fox’s help. However the star studded cast of the giver was unable to bring in a huge audience, something about Taylor Swift being a “bad actor,” but if not for Taylor than people should have at least come for Katie or Meryl Steep. Whatever the case the giver’s first week at the box office was (and this is an understatement) horrible. Hopefully the second week will be better.
Demi LovatoThat said, it would be……..”not cool,” to talk about what’s been happening this week without wishing Demi Lovato happy birthday, even though I’m sure she “really doesn’t care,” here goes nothing; Happy Birthday Demi Lovato!

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