Police Allegedly Mistake Black Actress Kissing White Partner For A Prostitute

"Django Unchained" star Daniele Watts claims she was unlawfully detained by police Thursday after they saw her kissing her white boyfriend in a car and allegedly mistook her for a prostitute.
In a Facebook post dated Sept. 11, Watts wrote that she was "handcuffed and detained" by two Studio City police officers in Los Angeles that day after refusing to show her ID.
Here's how Watts describes the alleged incident on Facebook:
Today I was handcuffed and detained by 2 police officers from the Studio City Police Department after refusing to agree that I had done something wrong by showing affection, fully clothed, in a public place.
When the officer arrived, I was standing on the sidewalk by a tree. I was talking to my father on my cell phone. I knew that I had done nothing wrong, that I wasn’t harming anyone, so I walked away.
A few minutes later, I was still talking to my dad when 2 different police officers accosted me and forced me into handcuffs.

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