Top 10 Countries With Highest Literacy Rate In 2014 - (PHOTOS)

Literacy is a human right and it is important for each and every person to get education as it teaches you the way to live, how to behave and how to treat others. Being able to read and write empowers you personally and it’s a big necessity in today’s technological world. Education sector is highly important in every country as the literacy and education is directly related to the overall good or bad performance of the country. If you have a look at the list of most developed countries of the world you will see a marked difference in their literacy rate and literacy rate of developing or underdeveloped countries. It’s an important need of the country to spend the good portion of their Gross Domestic Product on education sector to cope with fast changing world.

If country has high illiteracy rate than no one can save the nation from destructive downfall that’s almost impossible to recover. UNESCO has been celebrating the International Literacy Day on 8th September for more than 40 years and they always conduct seminars to highlight the role and importance of literacy and education in terms of gender equality, eradicating the poverty, peace, population control, democracy, reducing the child mortality rate and most importantly the sustainable development in the country. Here is the list of Top 10 Countries With Highest Literacy Rate In 2014 showing that literacy is the measure of the development of the nation.
Top 10 Countries With Highest Literacy Rate In 2014
10. Russia
Russia had the literacy rate of 53% according to the data collected in 2010-2011. The country spends 4.9% of the GDP in education sector, with almost every adult with the tertiary and career based education. The country has high development rate and low poverty rate as they realize the importance of education for the successful nation. It’s a strong country since its existence as independent state due to high literacy rate.

9. Australia
Australia is regarded as the hotspot the international students from almost all around the world. The literacy rate is almost 38% and country spends 6% of its Annual GDP in education. 25% of the Australian population is the international students, which clearly indicate the quality education of the Australian educational institutes at every level. The institutes provide different scholarships to the bright students to decorate their country with the most literate people in the world. It’s a key behind the success and development of the country.

8. Finland
The literacy rate in Finland is almost 39% and country spends 7% of GDP in education. It’s well-known for the free education and many of the Asians and natives do their post graduations from Finland. There are many colleges and universities that provide the career based education to the students so they may work for their country in future. The education system is very effective in Finland. The technology connected areas have much advancement and most of the teachers are related to this field.

7. United Kingdom

40% of the individuals in UK have tertiary education. The country spends 7% of the GDP in education sector. Asians students prefer to go to United Kingdom get education. There are student visa policies that support the students to continue their education to higher level. The country is stuffed with universities, schools, colleges and students but has maintained the satisfactory level of development with high literacy rate.

6. South Korea

The literacy rate is almost 40% and 8%of the GDP is spent in education sector in South Korea. The country has advanced in every field of science and technology. Engineering and health sciences have attained its peak through the research resources and abilities in South Korea. It has the power of emerging future scientists in the country. The public funds are spent on the education in South Korea. The country is also developing with the increasing rate of literacy.

5. New Zealand

More than 15% of the adult population in New Zealand goes for the college education. The country spends more than 7% of its GDP in education sector and has the literacy rate as high as 39%. Country not only provides the quality education to its people but also the opportunity to foreigners and other students to do their Masters or Ph.D. degree from their universities. Literacy rate in New Zealand is flourishing day by day with the advancement in science and technology.

4. United State of America

Everyone knows that America is ruling the today’s world through its strongest economy. There is a criterion that makes the country to be listed up among the most literate countries of the world and USA almost fulfills all of them. There are institutes that are famous all over the world and are regarded as the best universities all around the globe. Though there is a gradual increase in the population in USA but the government has managed to provide the secondary and tertiary education to its people. The rate is about 43% and the expenditure in education sector is almost 7% of the total GDP.

3.  Japan
Japan is among the countries with highest population but it has managed to maintain sustainability and development through education and made its place among the top 3 countries with high literacy rate in the world. The percentage of literate population is about 45.98%. Japan also spends about 5% of its GDP in education sector. Over and at the age of 15 every Japanese individual is able to read and write. It is worth mentioning Japan is among most developed country in Asia due to its literacy rate.

2. Israel
Israeli individual has the ability to read and write at and above the age of 15 years. Israel is well aware of the importance of education so spends almost 7.5% of its GDP in education sector. The literacy rate is almost 46%. The government provides the opportunity to the youth to join the military at the age of 18-21 both male and female. Israel is the country with continually increasing literacy rate as the colleges and universities are accredited by their country’s higher education commission. The government provides the students with scholarships so they may pursue their higher education. With the increasing literacy rate the development rate is also increasing in Israel.

1. Canada
Canada is the country with highest literacy rate in the world that is almost 51.3%. This rate made it the most educated nation of the current era. Canadian government spends a sufficient amount of their GDP almost 6.6% in education sector and still has a very strong economy.
There are many well-known institutes in Canada that provides the quality education whether it’s primary, secondary or tertiary. The government tries to provide the career and skill based education to its people so that no one remains jobless to be the burden on family, society or even country. This clearly indicates the reason of low poverty rate and high development rate in Canada. At the age of 6 its people have the ability to read and write.

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