September 5th is officially the greatest day of the year -- better than Black Friday, better than Christmas, even better than Halloween, because this day, friends, is National Cheese Pizza Day. We celebrate many random (er, ridiculous) food holidays -- National Penuche Fudge Day, for example -- but cheese pizza is one food that actually deserves a day of honoring.
Cheese pizza has always been there for us. It was there at all of our school parties; there when we barely had two pennies to rub together; there at two in the morning, when we were starving (and maybe drunk) and seriously needed some food.
Some folks might think pepperoni is where it's at. Others are convinced that the more toppings one pie holds, the better. It's true that those options are good, but if it weren't for cheese pizza -- or even better, extra cheese pizza -- none of those other pies would even exist. Cheese pizza is the base that makes it all possible. And so, cheese pizza rules.
Some folks might think pepperoni is where it's at. Others are convinced that the more toppings one pie holds, the better. It's true that those options are good, but if it weren't for cheese pizza -- or even better, extra cheese pizza -- none of those other pies would even exist. Cheese pizza is the base that makes it all possible. And so, cheese pizza rules.
On the fifth day of September we give thanks to the humble, but great cheese pizza, because it has made our world endlessly happy -- celebrities, nobodies, and animated cartoons alike. Don't believe us? See for yourself.
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